Are Lip and Tongue Tie Becoming More Common?

October 13, 2024

Mother opening her baby’s mouth to look at their tongue

Lip and tongue tie are deformities in the mouth that are present at birth. They are characterized by overly thick or large bands of tissue (known as frenums or frenulums) that restrict the movement of the lip and/or tongue. In recent years, practitioners have been providing treatment for these conditions more often than ever before. Are lip and tongue tie becoming more common? How can you tell if your precious infant is a victim? This blog post explains what you should know.

Rising Rates of Lip and Tongue Tie Treatment

Many pediatric dentists are noticing that more and more parents are talking to them about lip and tongue tie and requesting treatment for their children. However, there is no hard data to confirm that these conditions are actually becoming more common. The uptick in treatment may actually be due to other factors, such as:

  • Increasing awareness of lip and tongue tie. More parents and doctors are becoming educated about these conditions, which may contribute to more frequent diagnoses.
  • Increasing interest in breastfeeding. More moms are choosing to breastfeed rather than give their babies formula. The symptoms of lip and tongue tie can be especially noticeable during breastfeeding.

Does Your Child Need Treatment for Lip or Tongue Tie?

It is important to note that not every case of lip or tongue tie needs to be treated. If your child’s frenulum is not overly restricting the movements of their oral structures or causing other problems, it may be safe for them to forgo corrective surgery.

On the other hand, treatment may be the best thing if you notice prominent symptoms that often accompany lip and tongue tie, including:

  • Your baby does not easily latch while breastfeeding.
  • Feeding sessions tend to be short and frequent.
  • Your baby is colicky.
  • As a mother, you are struggling with painful nipples, clogged milk ducts, or other related issues.

If you suspect your child needs to be treated for lip or tongue tie, it would be best to bring them to a pediatric dentist who has experience in diagnosing and treating these conditions. They can evaluate your baby and provide an honest, well-educated opinion as to whether treatment is required.

Lip and tongue tie affect countless babies each year! It is important that you recognize the signs of these conditions so you can seek proper care for your child if necessary.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Jesse Witkoff is a board-certified pediatric dentist with decades of experience. He is widely regarded as a leader in the treatment of lip and tongue tie, and he is continually completing educational courses in order to stay up to date with the latest advancements in his area of expertise. If you believe your child could benefit from Dr. Witkoff’s services, contact our Boulder, CO, office at 720-743-3340.